
we Curate weddings that reflect your love story.

Northeast ohio | The Gulf Coast | Destination

The minute we got engaged, I heard friends and family repeatedly say how stressful the wedding planning process would be. As I got deeper and deeper into our preparation, I kept waiting for the misery to hit but it never came, the organization and the planning was something I truly enjoyed. It helped that I was an Oh Hello Bride, and lucky enough to have Amanda and Kelsey coordinate my day, but I realized when it was over how much I learned from and loved the process. I was so appreciate of the Oh Hello team that helped make our day so beautiful that I wanted an opportunity to help others feel as stress free and special as we did!

In my free time, I love to go for a run with my dog, bake sweet treats, watch TV, play games with my husband or just read a good book.

site design by foil & Ink

Site Photos by @marinaclare @kristinleanne @thehowardbrand @julianakaephoto @thekomans @meredithryncarz @marissacaminophotography @austinandrachelphotography @hnyandgld